About Us

The Children's Hospital in Tanzania aims to provide high-quality pediatric healthcare services to underserved communities, focusing on accessible, affordable, and specialized care for children. The hospital will be a center of excellence, providing comprehensive medical services, fostering community health education, and driving pediatric research and innovation.

The dream to develop the hospital was deeply rooted with daring vision to transform pediatric healthcare services and improve children's health across the continent. Inspired by personal commitments to give back and leverage global expertise, the Ambassadors for Children’s Health in Maryland Washington DC are leading the group in developing the hospital to be a beacon of hope and offer world-class healthcare services to children in communities while fostering local capacity-building and driving lasting change in the healthcare landscape in Tanzania.

From the inception and the first public announcement issued on the 1st October 2024 the developers of Children’s Hospital Tanzania welcomes interested parties, donors and Investors to be a part of this noble cause. The hospital highly recognizes the efforts and ambitions of its founding members through the Organization of Ambassadors for Children’s Health who together have worked tirelessly over the years to make the Hospital Dream a reality. ACH International was founded to spearhead the mission of the hospital and its members to make the hospital dream a reality.

The Hospital will benefit the experience of medical experts and practitioners from top medical institutes in the world and give chance and benefit to the children to have great treatment and medicare.